Pay off your loan faster or build an emergency fund... Why not both?

When you pay ahead on most loans, that money is gone for good. Take-Backs empower you to pay down debt faster and save for a rainy day all at once.


Take control of your debt.


  • Amazing savings on interest payments

    Make extra payments to pay off your loan faster — and see serious savings on interest. 

  • Funds available when you need them

    Access the money you’ve paid ahead on your loan if you need it. We call that a Take-Back®

  • Helpful insights for financial planning

    See the impact of changes to your loan payment before you make them with the digital dashboard. 

  • No hidden fees or prepayment penalties

    Take-Backs are a free, add-on feature for loans at participating community banks and credit unions. 

Try out Take-Backs

Have answers (and extra cash) at your fingertips.

The digital dashboard puts you in control. Preview the impact of extra payments. See how much you'll save on interest. Access your Take-Back balance anytime.


Take-Backs change how people manage their debt.


It's a great loan to use. I can pay ahead each month then take that money back out and it won't hurt anything. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a loan.


My Take-Back Loan shows me how much interest I've paid and when I can pay it off... I'm already ahead on my auto loan!


The dashboard tool is great, very slick! Also, easy to use and flexible payments! 


It's a great loan to use. I can pay ahead each month then take that money back out and it won't hurt anything. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a loan.


My Take-Back Loan shows me how much interest I've paid and when I can pay it off... I'm already ahead on my auto loan!


The dashboard tool is great, very slick! Also, easy to use and flexible payments! 



Which loans come with Take-Backs?

Personal loans, auto loans, wedding loans, holiday loans, and vacation loans (just to name a few).

The types of loans may vary depending on your community bank or credit union. Contact your local financial institution for details.

What happens when I get a Take-Back?

The money you withdraw from your Take-Back balance is transferred to your checking account. Your outstanding loan balance increases by the same amount.

There are no fees for using Take-Backs. Your loan’s rate, term, and minimum payment remain the same.

What if I never use a Take-Back?

That’s totally fine. Take-Backs give you extra flexibility to achieve your financial goals. Take care of surprise costs right away. Or keep saving for a rainy day. It’s your call.

There are no fees for using Take-Backs. Even if you never use them at all.


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Get Take-Backs.

Find local financial institutions that offer loans with Take-Backs.

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